Myself and Rob presented the idea of Blep to the tutors and a small group of people, this is where we had the opportunity to share with others the idea we have created with our strongest qualities in mind. By having the collective as something that we are really into it helps for us to be motivated to get the collective up and running.
Having two people doing a presentation helps to take the pressure off as you are able to bounce off each other and really get people to understand your idea as you sound a lot more positive about it when there are two of you. I felt that we clearly got the idea across and this was well received by the audience which has been reflected in our feedback.
One of the main questions that we were asked was whether we were thinking out pursuing the idea from this point onwards, we both agreed that it would be stupid not to take this further as we have already covered the ground work for the idea and now all it would take was to let people know about the idea through social media, which is what was suggested to us as we had identified a gap in the market specially in the local area for young designers. We are in the perfect place to find creatives as there are hundreds of people around the university that are interested in getting there work published.
We also showed how the collective is going to have an impact on personal practice, by taking this further. It has the opportunity to create relationships with valuable people like printers, event spaces and distributors which are all places that it is good to have relationships with as I more forward.
From this point I am happy with how the presentation went and I felt that mine and Robs collaboration works well together as we share the same creative views and we can both see the potential in this project and we both want to push this idea to hopefully make it into something that does benefit us in the long term.
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